
Can i get pregnat one day before my period if i had un protected s*x?????

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Can i get pregnat one day before my period if i had un protected s*x?????




  1. doubtful as you normally ovulate around 2 weeks before your period but it's not impossible. nothing is. i'm assuming, as it's in the trying to conceive section that you're actually ttc?

  2. Yes you can always get pregnant. There are just some days more/less fertile than others. But there is not a certain day that you are 100% free of getting pregnant.

  3. depends on when you ovulate. most likely no

  4. YOu can get pregnant ANY TIME you have unprotected s*x. If you had s*x then got your period, then you are not pregnant.

    You have to understand that it is not always possible to predict when an egg will be present, regardless of how regular our cycles may be. If you are that concerned about getting pregnant, then you need to consider a reliable method of birth control.

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