
Can i get sacked for my absence at work?

by  |  earlier

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ive worked for this company around 2 years, and have always worked hard when present.

due to an abortion i had earlier this year i have had a lot of time of due to recovery and depression!

My manager is very supportive and the company have funded me for counsel ling, whilst i'm trying to get back into work full time, i'm finding it really hard at the moment and normally have a couple of days off nearly every month, i do recognize this isn't good, but i do not feel up to it sometimes.

Will they end up sacking me? they hav'nt yet put me down any capability route due to the nature of my sickness!




  1. Sounds like you have had a rough time.

    Think it depends on the employer, although they will always need to put their service / business needs first, which could eventually mean some sort of capability proceedings.

    If you can afford it - would it be worth reducing your hours or something similar, or could you work from home on occasions?

  2. I'm sure if they did sack you there would be very solid grounds for an appeal.

  3. talk to your boss maybe you two can work something out.

    i dont know what your job is but

    maybe its possible for you to work at home?

  4. I think if they did it could be a lawsuit, its really good they are helping you though through this hard time :)

  5. if they do sack you, i would fight it with your all!

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