
Can i get some global warming please?

by  |  earlier

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It is may 23 and it is to cold to go out and bbq(yes with real carbon based charcoal). Where is that fat, failed politition and his global warming when you need him? I am sending my campaign contibutions to Haliburton.





  2. lol...

  3. * There is no "scientific consensus" on global warming

    * Climate is always changing – with or without man

    * The Medieval Warm Period was significantly warmer than temperatures today – and was a golden age for agriculture, innovation, and lifespan

    * Most of Antarctica is actually getting colder

    * Hurricanes are not getting worse – our tendency to build houses in their path is getting greater

    * Many big businesses lobby for global warming policies that will increase their profits – and our costs

    * The media only recently abandoned the "global cooling" scare

    * The real agenda behind the "global warming" scare? A massive expansion of government control over the economy and our lives

  4. The whole world, or at least the northern hemisphere, must be asking that very question.  For the past year the weather has been cooler than normal, and we've just come through one of the longest and coldest winter seasons in history.

    I bet he's pigging out at McDonald's (have you noticed how big he's gotten?) or out making another fictional movie for growing numbers of us to laugh at!

  5. dunno where he is. but my class and i did a global warming project on global waming and got an award at the boston state house where the governer works at.

  6. I hear you! the comfortable motorcycle riding weather hasn't started until mid to late may the last 2 springs.

    about 5 or 6 weeks later than it used too.

    your already sending your contribution to the gas company because you have to run your furnace a month longer than before.

    people still complaining about global warming are living in a dream world that has no thermometers. either that or they never go outside or watch the world news.

  7. He's out somewhere spending all that money he made giving speeches in which he's been able to convince many Americans that that c**p is true. That's where he is...!

  8. In California. Where is global warming when we need it this memorial day weekend?

  9. He's busy fueling up his private jets for a hectic weekend of campaigning around the country telling Americans how we can't drive our SUV's.  I think his next stop is to go kill a Polar Bear and do a study on it so he can make another false documentary based on false science.

  10. you tell em

  11. You can move to Jupiter ; a planet big enough for even Algore.

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