
Can i get some help with blogspot?

by  |  earlier

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hey guys i just made a little blog spot with some cars im selling. I want people to see it when they search on the internet like say google or other places to find my blog spot and see the cars i am selling, is this possible? Or any good ideas of how people can see my little blog spot website and how i can get it out there?




  1. Search Engine Optimization.

    Make your site searchable by the search engines out there by optimizing your blogspot site.

    Include the best tags relevant to your content as possible.

    Create a high number of backlinks to your site by writing intel for places like Qassia or Associated Content.

    Finally, advertise your site as much as possible, and best of luck to you and you new site!

  2. You definitely want to put the right tags in each post you make..  Tags are simply keyword rich words that makes it easy for google to find you...

    We teach these very techniques at

    The idea is to post at least 3-5 times per week..


    Don't just rely on Blogging..

    Take advantage of other Web 2.0 sources like videos, facebook, Utterz, Twitter, etc.

    Let me know how I can help,



  3. a days blogger is the best way to advertise our product in internet. But for advertiseing  purpose we cant satisfied with only blogger. so better to buy a new domain for your sales.

    Search engine optimization (SEO) is your starting point for getting traffic. After all, Google has to "like" your web pages, and people have to be able to find them. All SEO means is making your pages human and Google friendly.

    Most popular advertiseing is Google Adwords.....



  4. yes all of ur problem  is solved when you start follwing steps explained in first 2 steps are related to rediff and orkut , third step starts for BLOGSPOT and is explained in layman's language with the help of photograph's so follow the steps and get full kmowledge of of blogspot

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