
Can i get some honest opinions? i have never done this before. is this normal?

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do people normally come to india a few months after their family from india visits them in america? i am asking this because when my cousin came to the usa last year, he didnt get a chance to visit me in California. My mom persuaded him but he didnt get time. When i went there to visit him, i had only three days with him then he persuaded me to visit India. i ended up getting my driver's licence the week after I met him. I needed time to look for a car. This year, my cousin made another trip to america with his wife and 2 sons and they came to visit me for five days. A month later, my mom's sister came to visit us for a month. Throughout their trip, they kept saying without me, they would have been bored. The very first question my cousin's wife asked my mom was if we are making plans to visit India. The very first thing my mom's brother-in-law told me was I must come to India and asked when i can come. Both my cousin and uncle have asked me several of times. When I was in India last time, I persuaded everyone to come visit me in america and my cousin and his family came to visit me after 4.5 years then my aunt came. Now they've asked me several of times to visit India. Would the polite thing to do is go there at least once? Everyone made an effort and went through a lot of trouble to come visit me. my cousin works in a bank. i dont know how much vacation he gets but he arrived to new york on may 23rd. he was there for three weeks then came to visit California for five days. he flew back on the 23rd of june and reached india on june 25th. I would say i would give everyone credit. should i go to india? would it show respect and politeness to eveyone if i cam at least once since they asked me more than once and after i persuaded them to visit me in america and they came at least once




  1. I just read several of your questions.  They are all very hard to read because you put everything in one big paragraph.  Could you please try to break your posts into smaller paragraphs in the future?  Thank you.

    Now, to answer your question:

    If you are able to do so, please visit your family and relatives in India.  Several of them have made the effort to visit you in California and they keep asking you to visit them.  It is not only the polite thing to do.  It is the loving/kind thing to do.

    Also, I know India, like the U.S., in a big country.  However, it sounds like many of your family/relatives live in India.  So, if you fly to India to visit, you will make it much easier for a large number of your family/relatives to see you.

  2. Yes I think it would be very polite if you went to India plus it would

    be a wonderful trip for you. Your family have made a real effort to

    come and visit you and I think you should make the effort to go in

    return. I understand that family is very important. (I live in an area

    with a huge Indian population so have lots of friends/coworkers etc

    who are Indian) and when they invite you they mean it. Also I find

    Indian people to be incredibly hospitable and generous to their

    friends and family. Their family seem to come to visit and stay for

    several months and they go over there (usually in the early part of the year (Jan/Feb)I am not sure if this is for climate reasons or if it is because certain of their religious festivals fall in that time frame. I mean

    India is a very long way from here and there is no point coming for

    just a couple of weeks is there?

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