
Can i get some info on why you should wear your seat belt?

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please i need this for a persuasive speech. if you could get a quote on an expert please do!




  1. If you crash into a wall, you won't get thrown out of the car if you have a seat belt. Instead you get broken ribs and heart damage

  2. because you will go out the window if your not wearing one or kill yourself

  3. Obviously you slide forward.  Two things are going to happen.  Your knees are going to hit the bottom of the dash (just under the steering column) and your face is going to slam into the steering wheel (unless of course you have air bags, and they go off).  But air bags won't protect your knees.  And this scenario is just based on lower speeds.

    At higher speeds however, there are more consequences.  The first thing that comes to mind is getting thrown through your windshield.  This happens much more then people think, or even realize.  Obviously this can mean serious injury, but usually death.  I haven't seen many people survive these type of car accidents.  When they do, its usually bad news, like loss of legs, or in a wheelchair the rest of their life, etc.

    Another common thing you see is the victim's wrists will bust, pushing the bone forward and out, at the wrist.  This is from not being restrained by a seat belt, and trying to hold on to the wheel at the point of impact.  The momentum however is so strong that the body keeps moving forward, and of course the wrists snap.  These of course can be prevented by wearing a seat belt.

  4. i am no expert but i have been in a few wrecks in my life. seat belts are great in a roll over but i was t-boned in the door a few years ago and i am convinced that if i were wearing a belt then i would died. the impact knocked me out of the drivers seat and i think prevented me from suffering serious injury.

  5. The best I can do is to tell you a story. My son is 18 years old. On 02/03/08, he was driving with a friend of his in the car. When he went around a sharp curve, he lost control of the vehicle, and it flipped twice. My son was broke the driver's side window with his head, and was thrown out of the vehicle. As he landed on the ground, his car fell on top of him. He was pinned under his car from the waist up. If it wasn't for the boy who was with him, and the man who owned the house where they wrecked, my son would not be alive today....they pulled him out from under the car.  His collar bone is broken in three places, his rib is broken, and his right lung is punctured.  To make my point.........he was not wearing a seat belt !  If he had worn it, he would not have gotten hurt as badly as he did. Please, wear your seat belt !!!!  From a concerned Mom.

  6. its proven science that a seatbelt will help you in a crash, its also proven that a car with an airbag will likely do more harm if you are not wearing a seatbelt, so you should always wear one when traveling via automobile.

    if  your speech is on the enforcement of seatbelt laws, they shouldn't be mandatory.  my safety is none of the governments concern, same as motorcycle helmets, should not be required, but i definatley suggest using them

  7. Speed up in your car to 10mph. Slam on your brakes. Now imagine that force at 70mph comming to a compleate hauld. You do not want to be ejected at that speed.

  8. Seat belts SAVE your life. If you are in a car crash, you get shoved forward. Would you rather go through the windshield and die or do you want to stay alive with the help of a seat belt? Without seat belts, in nearly any crash, you could get severely injured or die. So, WEAR seat belts if you want to LIVE! It will protect you and the lives of others. All you have to do is click it in, it doesn't take much effort at all. If you don't wear a seatbelt and you get into a car crash, you'll regret it.

  9. Supposedly, the statistics show that there are less injuries when people involved in crashes are wearing their seat belts. The insurance companies are the ones that wanted the seat belt laws passed in order to save them money and keep premiums from going even higher.

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