
Can i get somone to train my parakeets?

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  1. If your parakeets are not tamed right now there is no hope of them ever being trained to do anythiing. I suggest finding a breeder in your area who hand feeds theirs to get a tamed one.  

  2. I have four parakeets, the first two I got I trained them mostly when their wings were whole, then I clipped them and finished training them. Now they are trained for the most part.

    I don't like handling those two too much because they just love to be free and fly around my house which is what I let them do. But they eat tons of wood and stuff. But I think that you should start by taking them into a small room. If there are mirrors, cover them up. Start training them by sticking your hand in their cage. after they stop being so nervous, they'll let you in. Then start telling them to step up while placing your finger where their belly is.

    Try this, and google the rest.

    I honestly think that you should train them yourself. They'll respond better that way.

    And it's fun to do it. I swear, it is. When I did it, I got so excited when one of them would respond positively.

    Parakeets are lovely birds, you should give your time and effort to them.

    but it will take some time. But to me, it was all worth it. I love all my parakeets so much.  

  3. if you get someone else to train them they will probably not trust you! but I'm sure they would because university parakeets are trained by other people and the sent to a new home

  4. You really need to do the training yourself and NO birds do NOT have to be babies or hand fed to be trainable. I've had fully untame birds that were a few years old and tamed them easily.

    What I think you want is someone to tell you HOW to train your birds. Well, I'd be happy to help. You're more than welcome to email me with your questions and I can give you some advice.

    My email is

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