
Can i get sued for a debt that is only $50.15?

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A collection company called Retreval Masters Creditors Bureau has sent me like 5 letters saying i owe some coin company $50.15. I haven't responed or did anything yet. What can they do?




  1. Ethically, you should respond and pay the amount you owe if you do. I'm not sure, but I think they can put that debt under a collection account, and when it gets to a certain amount, they may be able to do something about it. You should contact them and find out about the cost. If you do owe that amount, save yourself all the insecurities and possible troubles. Best of luck.

  2. Like right now it wouldn't make since for them to sue you for that amount, but I would just go on and pay them if you owe this amount.  If you ignore it and it goes to collection, you will accumulate more fees, and then they may feel it is worth it to sue you, not to mention wrecking your credit for such a minor amount of money.  Just pay it, it's not worth it.

  3. They wont take you to court for something like this, it would cost them more in a phone call to an attorney.  I would call the company and tell them you got the letter and you would like to settle on the account, they will usually settle for as high as 50%, just pay whatever it is they settle for and live and learn.  Just dont ignore it, it will just mess up your credit and will haunt you down the line in life.

  4. Yes they can and most likely will sue you for the money if they take this matter to court, you will than be required to pay  court cost, filing fees.

    Ask yourself is it really worth it?

    You would be better off paying the $50.15 if you owe it.

    Best of Luck

  5. Crazy has the only decent answer in this mess!  

    You all forget one major point!  This debt is on his credit report, and paying he debt will NOT remove it!  It will show paid but will still be a derogatory item.

    The only correct procedure is to contact them and agree to pay the debt, but demand that they remove all derogatory information once the debt is paid.  

    Otherwise do not pay it!  They will not sue you for such a small amount.  Sure, they will recover their court costs. But a collection agency gets only 30% of what they recover.  It's not worth their time messing around with this debt to make only $15.  

    Any collection manager who finds out his employees are wasting time on such a debt would lose their jobs.

  6. You must pay or contest the claim immediately, even if the courts may refuse to hear a claim this small. It is the creditor's duty to the court to present only claims that are worth the time of the court. 50 dollars is usually considered not worth the time of the courts. Those claims staying on one's credit report are considered due warning to other creditors that you are a dead beat.

    That is why you have to contest, immediately any false claim presented. Some other person may be abusing your name and credit standing.

  7. You can be sued for anything, whether or not you actually will is a different matter.  Do you really owe these people the money?  If yes pay it, if no write them a letter saying why.  it is not worth s******g up your credit score over 50 bucks.

  8. I can assure you with almost 100% certainty that you'll never be sued for $50. It simply wouldn't be worth their time and effort.

    However, they can certainly hurt your credit score with this. Best advice I can give is to work out a pay for delete agreement and move on with your life.

  9. Send the company a validation letter, they

    have 30 days to validate this debt and show

    that you asked/purchased whatever the

    product is if they dont after 30 days call

    credit or one of the 3 companies

    experian, transunion and send them a

    certified letter showing that theres no proof

    that that is your debt and they have to

    erase it but be ready to send several

    letters once every 15 days until its erased.

    Dont let it go, you have a right as a

    consumer. These so called colllection cos

    rely on that you wont do anything and of

    course people that dont care will just tell

    you oh its just better if you pay it off. if

    you didnt ask for the product just send it

    back, but its not your obligation. Thats

    what happened to me, a certain company

    send me something simple in the mail

    (pantihoses) i didnt ask for them, so I

    returned them and next week they sent me

    new ones I was paying shipping for sending

    them back so forget that, I tried calling them

    no answer so I did nothing, about 3 months

    later just like you a collection co was

    charging me 100 bucks (for pantihoses!!!

    I sent them a real nice letter to show me

    where I ordered such pantihoses they never

    got back to me I also stated in the letter

    that they better not put anything negative in

    credit report or I would sue them. They also

    cant be harassing you on the phone, send

    a cease & desist letter (look for samples

    in and you could sue

    them because once you send them the

    letter they cant legally call you anymore,

    they can send you letters but not phone

    anymore.  Good luck!!!

  10. small claims court negative report to credit agency  isnt worth the hassle i would pay thye 50

  11. First of all find out what the debt is from, if you owe it pay it. It's such a small amount that even if you could pay $5.00 a month, as long as it shows you are trying to pay it off nothing can be done. Plus it would be paid in no time. If you don't know what it is call them and dispute it. Remember to write down the information that could help you in the long run, (date you called, the name of the person you talked to, what was said..)

    Also, no one will sue you for that little bit of money. They can s***w up your credit but it would cost them more then that to file the papers so that won't happen, just remember that you could get hit with late fees and they can rack up and you could end up paying 100x that in the end.

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