
Can i get sued for bullriding as a female in high school rodeo?

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Am a female and i love bullriding, i ride in the western edge. Am in high school rodeo and barral race. This year am going to still barral race but i also wanna bullride. I wanna dress as my brother and say i am him and bullride in the high rodeo assation. If i get caught (pray that i dont) Is there anything i can get sued for??? I love takein chaces so dont tell me i wont .....cause i will! the rule book says " this event is only for males"




  1. Definately do not pose as your brother, you may be good at bullriding but look at it this way, say you are caught, you could be fined, sued and ultimately banned from ALL rodeo. therefore your future as even a barrel racer would come to a screeching halt on all circuits of rodeo, not to mention the shame it may bring your name. I would suggest staying with High school rodeo in barrels and poles and then after high school step into the world of Womens' Pro Bull Riding. yupp there really is an assoc for all women rodeo events suchs as bull riuding , broncs.. etc etc. I have a good friend who is actually a world champion femal bullrider. Her name is melissa phillips , google her:) You can contact her though right now she's on tour w/ the Longhorn Rodeo and may take awhiel to get back to you. If you are determined to ride in HS rodeo, protest the rule , it can never hurt. Do a bunch of research on female bull riders first and keep a log of EVERYTHING you find out!!! I hoep this has helped but please don't put a potential rodeo career in jeporday by riding as your brother, who knows you may eb the one to actually get the rules changed in woman's favor.

  2. I think the other posters have given you some good advice. I would not use deception. Petition the association and if that does not work wait until you are 18 to ride as an adult. You don't want to damage your reputation at such an early age.

  3. Possibly. I would say so.

  4. Sounds like trouble just BEGGING to happen.

    If you want to ride, then petition them to not try and deceive them, as you will only bias yourself in the future, and make trouble for others.

    Sounds like you are going to do what you want anyway, and that simply goes to prove your lack of respect.  As for being sued, You as a minor can't be held responsible probably, but your parents probably can.  Should you continue to be selfish, you should know that you might be responsible for what could be a goodly amount of financial difficulty.

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