
Can i get sued for doing this?

by  |  earlier

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I'm thinking of making T-Shirts that use apple's famous line, iSomething, and I'm wondering if i sell these t-shirts i can get sued? i mean, i know that the multi-billion dollar apple corp. isn't gonna come after me, mild mannered 13 year old kid in mid-Ohio who wants to make a witty t-shirt, but i just wanna know, is it legal?




  1. You have to get a license.

  2. it is illegal to use someone else's logo to make money for yourself

  3. They have copyrights on all logos and company tag lines. I hope Steve Jobs has better things to do than bust a young guys chops over something petty. You are violating a copyright so just know that.

  4. Nope, Lots and Lots of people and companies have been doing the i____ lines. The I in front of the word is not copyrighted by Apple. You'll be fine.

  5. You wanna bet they won't come after you? Mac and Disney are barracudas when it comes to guarding their stuff.  

  6. yes

  7. Probably wouldn't get sued, but you'd need a permit to sell them legally.

  8. no, you won't get sued. I just spent the day in London and there's t-shirts everywhere saying stuff liek "iPood" and "iFarted", so you'll be fine.

  9. Yes, you can get sued.  There "line" is copyrighted.  Therefore, you cannot use it.  If you are caught, they WILL sue.

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