
Can i get this guy back in jail, he has been arrested more then 15 times in milford ct.?

by  |  earlier

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I met this guy, on the internet on, he totally fooled me ,i'm

a total fool because i did not pay attention to he's weird canaving mothe, i will write about him, this felon is probation for running a drug house, impersonating , assulting. He said he was a changed man! silly me stupid me, Well one day ,he came to ny to visit me, for 3 days, finally on that monday, i told him he had to go back home, because i did not want him there while i was at work, there is more to the story, but i will make it short, finally i on my lunch time i took the looser to the bus stop, since he did not have a car i lend him $20 of my $$$, because i told him i will not waste my gas taking him the port jefferson ferry, as i drove off i saw the looser getting into a cab? i rushed home because i had this feeling he had done something to get me i ran to my dresser where i had my wallet with cash, i checked my jewelry box, my tennis bracelet and my watch were gone, i freaked , called he's canaving mother, after i told her what he had done, she asked me "are you sure" i told her i was calling the cops, and i hung up, he started to harrass me by calling me more then 10 15 times within that hour, i went to the police, filed a report, wrote a statement to fax over he's parole officer, but i was not able to get a order of protection against him? because he did not threatened me? i still receive private call, i know it's him. The detective called me told me he spoke with him, off course he denied everything, can i go back and file another report because he still calling me? i want him arrested please help.




  1. This guy clearly has some screws loose. You can file a report for harassment and get a restraining order set against him. If you calls you or tries to contact you (with the restraining order in place) than you can have him formally charged.

    There are no guarantees that something won't happen between the time you file for the order and the time he breeches it but it should put a bit of a scare into him.

    Hope this helps

  2. If the cops won't do anything then record the conversations on the phone when he calls you, get him to convict himself also if you are sacred when he phones blow a whistle, the referee's type down the receiver.  It will hurt him.

  3. Get your number changed.

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