
Can i give my 3 month old son farex?

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hi there. i purchased Farex the other day thinking it was for ages 3 months and up. my son is 11 weeks, so 3 months in a week. he doesnt seem content with just breast milk. im feeding him nearly every 2 hours, he watches us eat and he gets very unsettled when he smells food. is it possible to give him only half of the recommended ammount of farex with breast milk, just to fill him up a bit so he is content a little longer or do i have to wait until he is 4 months old.

please help as i would like him to feel content and breastfeeding every 2 hours if that is getting stressful as i also have a 3 year old who also needs his mummy's attention.




  1. I would maybe try and supplement a breast feed with formula bottle before trying solids. i did this with my son and it seemed to work.  I started my son on solids at 4 months for the same reasons but he ended up with a case of irritable bowel as his stomache wasnt ready for solids (it was horrible - like really really bad colic).  My doctor suggested to try supplementing with formula and it worked and i didnt end up starting him on solids until he was 5 and half months.

  2. This is a question for your doctor no matter who responds.  All babies develop differently, and even though some people give their babies rice cereal at 2 months, doesn't make it right.

    If your baby's stomach is not developed enough for semi-solid food, he will have a hard time digesting it.  He might seem content, but that is because he is over stuffed and unable to process all of the food in his stomach.

    Again, check with his doctor, they will tell you when the time is right.

  3. Yes you can, i gave it to my daughter before she was 3 mths old because bottles/formula just weren't satisfying enough for her. try putting a little in the bottle along with formula/breast milk, not much, just enough to thicken it a bit, make sure you stay with them while they have it. i know this might sound gross but keep an eye on the "numbers twos" after you do, if they are too hard then use less farex

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