
Can i give my hamster a bath?

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im just curious!




  1. dont give your hamster a bath unless it's like really nececerry. otherwise, they can get neumonia, or a cold.


  3. sand bath (chinchila sand)

  4. never give your hammy a bath they might catch a cold they groom themselves they are very clean animals if you want to help them stay clean use chincilla sand in a bowl and watch them roll in it will help them get rid of grease

  5. If your hamster is dirty you can buy some stuff called chinchilla sand. Make sure it is NOT dust, there is dust and sand.

    You can put some of this in a dish or a bath house and let your little guy run around and clean himself in there for a while. After wards you can use a small brush (a tooth brushwork) and brush any remains that are left on his fur.

    hope this helps

  6. you probably shouldnt. but dont worry. he cleans himself more then even we girls do

  7. i never did,they self clean....

  8. i say no because i tried taht and the hamster was trembling hard  

  9. I wouldnt reccomend it. If you are talking about a water bath than i dont reccomend it. Hamsters can very easily catch cold and since they are so small its not to easy to cure. If you do bathe them make sure to dry them of thorouly and make sure that they dont drown. Only give them a bath is they are super dirty or are sticky or something. Usually they will take care of this themselves. Try a chinchilla sand bath, hamsters love this and it is safe for them. Just make sure you dont get them chinchilla dust as this can cause serious respiritory problems.

    Here are some tips. Since your just wondering. :)

  10. No. Don't give your hamster a bath with water give him a bath with chinchilla SAND NOT dust. Chinchilla dust can give it respiratory problems and he water from water can give it a cold or wet tail wich can kill them both. Give them sand they dont need to take baths but they can if thier fur is greasy or oily. My Roborovski dwarfs like to roll in it its fun watching them.

    Good luck.

  11. NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! only sand baths

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