
Can i go after the dad after i have my baby?

by  |  earlier

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im preg and the dad toke off if i wanted could i go after him for help when the babys born if i have his ssi # and other things plus the addy were he left to!




  1. Absolutely! There are specialized attorney's for this kind of situation. Look it up in the phone book or on and you should be able to narrow it down to a good lawyer. Also, if you apply to get state help from your local DFS office, they usually ask if you want help with getting child support and if you qualify they'll usually pay for the DNA test.

  2. heck yes. Contact an attorney to help you get what is/will be owed to you. Don't be surprised if he demands a DNA test to make sure the child is his. If you don't have any doubt, get him and squeeze him dry.

  3. Judging by your spelling and grammar, I'm guessing you're too young to be having s*x in the first place. Whether on your own or with your parents, you most certainly should contact an attorney. He holds just as much responsibility as you do, but do the reputation of women a favour and don't turn into another lazy gold digger.

  4.   Great another illiterate mom on welfare.  Yes you can go after him for child support.  This is why it is better to have a husband and a father for your child rather than a "baby daddy."

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