
Can i go blind if i watch a solar eclipse?

by  |  earlier

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I just want to know what happens if i look at a solar eclipse with the naked eye, ive heard that it can couse some damage if i look at it.




  1. it cause some damage ifyou look at it to long.

  2. No more than looking directly at the sun, probably less so since it's partially eclipsed; but it's not recommended.  I've heard, however, that some people can stare at the sun for hours and have no negative side effects.  Then again, don't take chances if you're not willing to pay the price (i.e. going blind).  There was a laser light show in Russia recently where the projector malfunctioned and several dozen people had their retinas partially or totally burned out just from the bright light.

  3. Although the sun might seem dim and safe to look at when it hangs low over the horizon, it is still dangerous. Staring at the sun with the unaided eye is almost sure to cause eye damage. Even a brief glimpse of the sun through unfiltered telescopes or binoculars will blind you. Always use proper filters or safe solar projection techniques.

  4. It's no more dangerous than looking at the Sun any other time.  It's just that people are more likely to look during the eclipse, so they tell you not to, and then everyone thinks the eclipse is going to kill them.  It's not.  Just don't stare at the Sun.  As usual.

  5. I know you could through a telescope but I'm not sure about just looking at it. Maybe temporarily. I know that if newborns stare at the sun (which brings to their attention) their retinas immediately burn which shows how sensetive anyone could be to the sun. Not the same thing, but it's probably safe to watch with sunglasses on, ha.

  6. When You look at a solar eclipse with a naked eye you can get extremely sore eyes.

    if You dont look through used camera film or Solar eclipse Glasses you can manage to get uncomfortable to look at light and can sustain eye damge.



    Permantly Damanged??

    Double yes.

    after solar eclipses some hospitals do tend to treat damged eye sight, all cases are because the person tried to look at a solar eclipse without eye protection.

    so unless you wear proper eye protection or you watch the shadow of the sun on the ground , you can go blind if you continuously watch a solar eclipse in motion.

  7. Given - the light from the Sun is bright and will burn the retina in your eye, whether UV, infrared, visable, Crayola, etc, the light of the Sun will burn your retina.

    How to observe the Sun - you can glance at the sun (non eclipse ) and you will notice spots in your eyes afterwards. You can stare at the sun (non eclipse) and you will eventually feel pain. Close your eyes and face the sun, you will feel the warmth of the light on your face so you can imagine the heat your eyes would feel.

    Eclipse - the light is blocked by the moon so it is not the same amount of heat/light/ But the heat is still there. For example - a bon fire or a match. The bonfire will burn you quick, the match will take a little longer but it still burns.

    What causes the damage during  eclipse is that since it is cooler, we look longer and dont notice the damage being done.


    A bucket of water would probably act like a mirror and would reflect the heat as well as the image. Use of water or mirror to reflect the suns image on a wall or ceiling of darken room is best. PUTTING FILTER BACK ON AT DIAMOND RING indicates use of optics, if you are using telescope, once you see diamond ring your eye is gone. The magnification of binoc or telescope will burn your eye in milliseconds.

    What if the filter has a scratch (same as welders glass)?  Welders glass is safe as it protects the welders eyes from a welding arc (the same type of light and heat as the sun)

  8. you wont nessisarily go blind. but it could burn a spot in the middle of your retna and greatly interfere with your sight.

  9. without special lens , u will do severe damage to your eyes !

  10. I have watched it through welding goggles.  It damaged nothing.  Of course, you never look at the sun, even a partial sun, with the naked eye.

  11. this url tells how to watch safely.

  12. i doubt it...

    i used to stare at the sun, it was a game i played with myself to strengthen my eyes after my surgery....

    i have 20/20 vision.

  13. only if you do nasty things with yourself while you're at it.

    seriously, your eyesight is far too important to risk on this ridiculous forum. get some real information, protect yourself (pinhole cameras are a cheap and idiot-proof way to observe the partial phases), and enjoy the show.

  14. Well you are looking at the sun so of course you could go blind.

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