
Can i go on a trampoline with a cast on my leg for a broken ankel?

by  |  earlier

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Can i go on a trampoline with a cast on my leg for a broken ankel?




  1. I suppose you could - but it's not recommended.

    Don't risk further injury.

    Have patience and let the leg heal properly. The leg's got to last you a long time !

  2. Sure you can........But how long do you really want to be in a cast....if they have to reset because of something you did that didnot enhance your healing time...they'll probably have to reset it and thats another 6 weeks in a cast....what do you think?

  3. Of course you can. Whether it would be wise to do so is a different matter.

  4. Not recommended, since the cast is there to protect your ankle, jumping up and down on a trampoline is not going to keep you from jarring the bones in your ankle and keeping them from re breaking or getting misaligned while they are setting and healing.

  5. You can but it would be a foolhardy thing to do!Don,t you want your ankle to heal?.Have patience.

  6. yes but dont come running to us if you break the other one

  7. You will have a matching pair of casts.

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