
Can i go swimming a month after i had a spinal fusion surgery?

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I had a spinal fusion surgery because of my scoliosis about 2 months ago and my back is healed now like theres no open sores or anything its closed and i got my stitches out a month ago and im kinda scared to get in the pool because im scared the chlorine will mess with my back but my question is do you think its ok for me to go get in the pool this early? im not gonna do like alot of swimming i just want to get it and stand up and stuff...




  1. As long as all your wounds are healed, going in the pool is very good for you. Slowly start swimming more and more, it is great for rebuilding and strengthening your back.

  2. Asking your surgeon is the best way to get the correct answer.  He'll have to see your back, examine your scar, and then give you a set of things you can and cannot do.  Your three-month checkup is probably the perfect time to ask about swimming.  In fact, you may have pool therapy to help get you going again.  I had pool PT after one of my fusions and it was great.

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