
Can i go swimming in a lake?

by  |  earlier

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while im on my period w/o a tampon and its pretty light?




  1. I would still wear a tampon.  You can never be sure, and it's better safe than sorry.

  2. Yah just as long as you put a pad on ASA you get out of the lake. You don't want blood showing through the suit, then on the towel you sit on.

  3. sure! i am on a swim team and i always wear tampons to practice, even on my light days! but be careful, you could get TSS.

  4. well i would where a tampon cuz better safe then sorry + you wouldent want to be embaressed.


  5. You NEED to wear a tampon or moon/diva cup.  

    Wearing pads or pantyliners in the water is stupid and a waste of a pad as it will soak up water before it soaks up blood.

    No matter how light, you must wear a tampon or moon/diva cup.

    You WILL bleed into the water, you WILL still have blood.

  6. Wear one just in case. But probably.

  7. i dont use tampons and i got swimming all the time i dont use anything when im going in. you period usually stops in water so there is no need to worry but go and get changed quickly before it starts back up again when you get out.

    and dont wear a pad or pantyliner when you are in the water!!! trust me i had a friend do that and it didnt turn out too good. it blew up like a diaper that isnt supposed to get that wet lol

  8. That is still gross.

    It's still gross lol. Just wear a d**n tampon!

  9. Yeah but you might leak if you get out of the water.

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