
Can i go to dental school for DMD or DDS without doing college ?

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can i go to dental school for DMD/DDS without doing my college if i am going to take the sat subject test ?




  1. No, all dental schools that maintain accrediation require a minimum of 90 semester hours at a community college / university.  Most require that you have compelted a Bachelor's degree prior to entering dental school.  The few that allow you to apply with 90 credit hours rarely accept a student without a degree - superior academics are the only exceptions to this.  Each dental school has a set of pre-requisite course work that must be completed prior to entering dental school.  This usually involves, at minimum, one year of college Biology with lab, one year of college Chemistry with lab, one year of Organic Chemistry, with lab, and one year of college physics with lab.  Dental school admissions has become extremely competitive over the past several years, so if this is goal, study hard!  Hope this helps.  Good luck!

  2. I do not know of any dental school that would admit you without first taking the college prerequisites for enrollment. These include chemistry, anatomy, etc.

    Set your sights for knuckling down and taking the required courses knowing that you are working towards a great career. Anything worthwhile takes time and dedication . . . no shortcuts.

    Good luck.

  3. not in the usa. btw dds dmd is college or uni as some call it in other countries. it is about two years of extra school.

  4. Unlikely but it depends on the dental shool.

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