
Can i go to england for grade 11?

by  |  earlier

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hey , can i actually do that? to attend a boarding school, beacuse my friend said that the school might not let u take the test.






  2. You could come and study in the uk grade 11, which over here in the UK is the start of year 12, for age 16-17 year olds.

    It is the start of the 2 year optional study of "A levels" that have to be taken prior to applying for university in the UK.

    I'm not quite sure how boarding schools work but pretty much should be similar as all entrants are taken in during year 12.

    It depends on what sort of grades you finish with in grade 10 and whether it matches with the boarding schools requirements i.e. typically 5 A*-C grades but most boarding schools probably won't accept C' grades, so anything above a B would be more desirable etc.

    I hope this helps but you haven't given me the grades that are expected of you etc.

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