
Can i go to pub with my pregnant wife.?

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My wife is 3 months pregnant..but both of us like to spend time in Pubs..she wont take more than 2 bottle of beers generally..But we didnt visit ne Pub since we found she was pregnant...Is it ok to have a couple of beers or can she come and sit idle




  1. She can go to the pub and drink j2o and other soft drinks.

  2. Even a single beer is a bad idea.  One beer, especially at the beginning of pregnancy, can really hurt the kid.

    She should not drink alcoholic beverages at all during the pregnancy.

  3. Why does she need a beer? There are other things served in a pub. I wouldn't go for more alcohol content than say, a shandy.

  4. My doctor always told me 1 glass of red wine or a spritzer (1/2 wine & 1/2 club soda) was acceptable on occasion.

    There is no reason why she cannot join you at the pub while enjoying a drink without alcohol.

  5. no its not. the baby didnt sign on for that. underage drinking starts now.

  6. take her, being pregnant doesnt mean she has to be an owtlaw.. the fact that you would like to consider your childs safety just for a couple of beers is abit frightning.. hopefully she doesnt think like that too lol

  7. Sorry mate a bit tired as been awake for hours - I read the title of your question and thought your dilemma was the missus or the bit on the side but I digress.  Probably not a good idea as you want to give your child the best start in life and that is more or less now while he/she is developing in the womb.

  8. Better Not. Beer can really hurt the child and the child might have a chance of dieing but, drinking beer might also make child unhealthy and you could get a bad reputation so you better not.

  9. When I was pregnant, my husband and I would frequent the pubs but I would drink water or soda instead of alcohol. We would play darts and have a great time. We however would not go anywhere with indoor smoking allowed.

  10. they say its okay to have a glass of red wine. the way I look at it is I wouldn't give my one year old a drink of wine or why give the baby in your body a drink.there are wornings on the back of all alchole bottles even beer and wine I wouldn't drink.

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