
Can i go to school to day?

by  |  earlier

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because to day is sunday.




  1. ???

  2. Of course!  Homeschool is open 24/7 :D

  3. If the school is open on a Sunday, which I assume most schools aren't.

    However, check with your parents first before you do. Weekends like Sundays probably need parental approval.

    Hope this helps..

  4. why are you asking ? your teacher has that should be in church if you worship on Sundays.

  5. I have looked at all 3 of the questions you have asked, and like this one - none seemed to make sense.  Are you just bored?  You need a hobby!  But yes, you can go to school today - if it is outside of your house, it might not be unlocked.

  6. Children of Christian go to  Sunday's school.

  7. Well, if you're homeschooled, you can 'go' to school any day of the week. You can 'go' to school at 3 in the morning if your school and your home are one and the same place.

    If you go to a conventional school, then of course you can go...although you might find you're the only person there!

    No reason, whatever type of school you attend, why you can't get your schoolbooks out and set up your own version of school for yourself at home on a Sunday though.

  8. yes, home schooling is your choice of hours and days of week for actual schooling have fun..

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