
Can i grow eucalyptus in my back garden?

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yep i am in the uk but iv heard they grow really fast and my garden isnt very big. can it be kept in the house?




  1. Yes, you can grow it in your garden very easily, but I would prune it every year to keep it a manageable size.

    We had one in our back garden but it eventually got too big. It was taller than the house and the roots just below the surface ruined the lawn. It also sucked so much water from our clay soil that the next door house started getting cracks in the walls. Plant at least 30 metres from the nearest house as this is how tall they can get.

    We had to chop it down in the end, such a shame as it was planted for one of our children.

    You could probably grow it inside in a very large pot, you would still have to prune it, though.

  2. Yes you can, but they grow very big very quickly, up to over 25 ft high.  You do not say where you live - this could be important if you live in a fire hazard area as the oil in Eucalyptus trees actually feed fires as Australians will tell you.

  3. i dont see why not why not try to grow it in a large pot

  4. Provided you look after it, I don't see why not, though I don't know what country you are from or what your soil is like.

    I work at a lovely residential home in the English countryside which actually boasts among it's rare species of trees, the largest eucalyptus in the country, that is over a hundred years old.

  5. If you are in the Uk yes. I was given one a few years ago it has grown very well.

  6. It will soon outgrow your garden, I put a 4ft. one in 7 years ago and its now huge, possibly 18 - 20ft

  7. no, but i know what you can grow in your loft ha ha

  8. Yes you can but make sure you have a large garden or they can get rather large.

    A friend of mine had success planting one on a large planter on her patio.  That seemed to stop it getting too big.  Eucalyptus are known to keep the gnats away in summer.  Nice scent too.

    Don't think they would do too well indoors, as they like alot of light.  Maybe if you had a conservatory with good light and plenty of room and ventilation, you may just get away with it.  

    Good luck!


  9. Yes you can grow these plants in the UK but you will need plenty of room to let them grow to there natural shape or you can controlthem by taking out the growing tip, eucalyptus ruida is a realy good one to go for

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