
Can i have a car in my name?

by  |  earlier

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Im only 17. If I buy a car and pay it in full can i put it in my name and the insurence?




  1. yes but depending on what you buy its expensive to have it in your own name. I have son that is 28 and still has it in my name cause its cheaper then he getting it and hes good driviner license. its up to you. if you dont' get a sports car its cheaper and when you turn 26 its cheaper for you.

  2. You sure can...

  3. I don't think you alone can buy a car, title it, or insure it with out a parent or a guardian's cosigning.

    Your not 18 yet so you cannot legally sign contracts.


    You need to check with your state's laws. In Missouri, you can't do any of those things till your 18. It may be different in your state.

  4. i would imagine because you are at the legal age to drive so if you want your own car i don't see y not.

  5. yes

  6. Yes, you can.  I've seen children as young as 10 be the titled owner of a vehicle, and listed as a named insured on the policy.

    Of couse, you can't DRIVE without a license, but you CAN own a car.

  7. Yes the car can be in your name. You are of legal age to drive. As for the insurance, I'm not too sure. You may be able to have it in your name, but you may have to be on your parents insurance if you live with them.

  8. I'm not sure about individual state laws, but in NY, you absolutely can as long as you have a valid license.  It will be expensive ~ they (the insurance company) will surcharge you for being an inexperienced principal operator.  This surcharge will stick with you for a while.  Taking a drivers ed course and defensive driving class will help, as both will give you credits on your insurance.  You will need the title, registration, and insurance all to be in your name.  It would be less expensive to have the car put in your parents name and  have you listed as an operator.  There is a discount for multi-vehicles that you could get that way that you wouldn't get on your own, and just pay your parents for the insurance.  There is quite a sense of accomplishment and of responsiblity that would come with putting everything in your name, and if you can afford it, all the more power to you!  You should call around for a car insurance quote BEFORE purchasing the car just to see what to expect for a monthly payment to see if you can really afford the car.  Actually, only certain companies may allow you to do this (I know some do  however) because you are not of age to legally sign the insurance documents, which are binding.

  9. Yo

  10. YEP YAY! =]

  11. When i was 16 I had a car in my name, and I was the only one on the title too, so yes you can. ☆

    oh and you can also have the insurance solely in your name. everything in your name. my parents did not want to be on my title or insurance because they did not want to get sued or something if i got into an accident

  12. yes


    You cannot get a loan or any type of legal arrangement for car payments until you're 18 though unless you have an adult co-signer willing to take over the payments if you back out of them

  13. sure

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