
Can i have a duck in the city of Santa Cruz?

by Guest57794  |  earlier

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I am interested in getting a duck but i'm not sure if it is legal to have one in the city, does anyone know?




  1. I'm not sure whether you'd need an obstetrician or a vet.

  2. Uh duck? Are you sure? Duck is nothing but fat.

  3. Call the City and ask if you are zoned for it....ducks are cute but boy do they make a mess!!

  4. Get a Duck. A little yellow one, and let it swim around in the tub...and feed it bread.

  5. haha yes but not inside resturaunts. YOU ROCK! A duck haha thats a crack up.

  6. I have lived in california my whole life and i seen some pretty weird pets that people have had. I think it would be ok, but if not, just visit the santa cruz pound and they should have some answers for you.  hope you get to get your duck! QUACK!

  7. I think he means he wants to eat it...

  8. What do you plan to do with this duck?

  9. Duck Season

    Rabbit Season

    Duck Season!!!

    Rabbit Season!!!

  10. Good question.  Call a pet store in the area and ask...someone would probably know.  Or call the city and ask to talk to someone in Animal Control.  

    Here is a link I found on the Santa Cruz Animal Control website:

    You can look up codes:  6.12.120  and 6,12.130

    Neither say anything about not owning a duck.  There are noise ordinances and you can't have them in a public place.

    Further proof that you can own a duck....there is even a PET DUCK AND WATERFOWL CLUB in Santa Cruz!!!!!  Here is the link:

  11. Hmmm interesting that you bring up owning a duck in the dining section. Is this plate or pet??  LOL.....

  12. There should be humane requirements in any city and in any restaurant.  Putting long terrible nails through the creature's head and then roading it should not be allowed.  Such restaurants should be shut down.

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