
Can i have a local anaesthetic rather than a general to have a cyst removed on my head at neck hair line. ?

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Can i have a local anaesthetic rather than a general to have a cyst removed on my head at neck hair line. ?




  1. ask your surgeon whether its an option. if its not possible they will tell you why. I have had many procedures done under a local because I can have quite a bad reaction to a general and the recovery time for me is quicker.

  2. local is preferred at the site they are removing. plus you can ask your dr about it.

  3. My son had that and he had a local so I guess you could.

    Ask the anaesthetist if he will give you Hypnoval, you will be conscious but remember nothing. They don't like to give it run of the mill because it costs a £100 a pop but no harm in asking.

  4. It is very unlikely these days in the UK that you would be offered a general anaesthetic for a small neck cyst, unless problems were being anticipated. This was the sort of procedure i would simply have done myself down at the GP surgery.

  5. If the cyst was anywhere else, that maybe okay, but I doubt they would do it because the cyst is on your neck. Just ask your dr.

  6. Depends on the size of the cyst and potentially what it is. If your worried have a word with the surgeon, and discuss the options.

    Take care and good luck Phil

  7. If it was possible to remove the cyst with a Local, you would be given the Local, there must be a reason why they are giving you GA, ask about it, so you are aware

  8. I doubt if you will be even offered a general anaesthetic for just a simple cyst removal general anaesthetic is expensive and can be risky, hospitals dont use them unless they have to so dont worry I local will probably what you get!

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