
Can i have a puma as a pet??

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or what other kind of big cat can i have

as a pet?




  1. None.

    It's unfair to the animal, and you'll likely get mauled at some point.

  2. a puma is a cougar. i highly doubt they domesticate them so id have to with a no. look online at these cats called Maine Coons. they are gorgeous and look slightly different from your average cat. they give off the wild look.

    edit : also, call your local zoo or wildlife agency, it may be possible but the animal will cost a lot to purchase and even more to maintain!

    check out the maine coon =D

  3. what state are you in?  Most states will not allow you to possess a puma as a pet. Some might.

    Of course these animals do not make very good pets so it may not be the best idea.

  4. you really shouldn't, you would need a licence though, it is a sad life for the animals un less you have plenty of room and the money, but the hole point of an animal being wild is the fact that IT IS WILD!!!!!!!!No Matter what kind of invierment it is raised in it will BE WILD< AND THERE IS ALWAYS THE CHANCE OF AN ATTACK!

  5. as you want a simple answer,i'll just have to say no.

    big cat as pet?hmmm....i cannot think of any wild cats you can keep as pets.nope.not tiger.nor cannot get a jaguar.nor a panther...

    Main Coon, Ragdoll, and British Shorthair - all males in those kinds of breeds can get quite large! Are you looking to buy one? If so, depends on what you're looking for.. size alone isn't a good way to choose.. I'm sure Main Coon's need more activity level than Brits, who are quite lazy when they are adults.. Ragdolls seem to be a nice, in-the-middle breed that seem all round nice!

    those are the only cats that are big enough to be domesticated.not the wild ones.


    i hope i helped!

  6. um no youll die feeding them a treat

    and its animal cruelty to keep them in a cramped up space

    you cant keep one

    and sorry for saying more than yes

    just letting you know

  7. nope.

  8. depends on where you live you need to find out the laws for owning big cats then you will really know the answer.

    With certian licenses you can own any big cat including lions

  9. NO it's illegal to keep a wild animal

  10. Depends on what state you are in. The laws are different in most  states.

    But not a good idea. YOu will be hurt. It is a wild animal. Not a kitten. It will eventually see you as food, Just ask Roy.

  11. NO,  that is cruelty to the animal, it belongs in the wild and should stay in the wild unless there is a big problem.  Everyone wants a wild animal as a pet but we know that it would not be fair to the animal.

  12. none.

    they're natrually wild animals.

    and they don't have animals like that for sale any ways.

    just get a regular cat.

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