
Can i have a rubella shot when im pregnant? ?

by  |  earlier

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im still waiting to see if im pregnant, but the doctor just told me i need a shot coz im not immune to rubella and that i should wait to see if i am pregnant, but if not get the shot and wait a month to try again. its very annoying, but now im worried i might be pregnant and am scared i will get rubella. can i get the shot if i am pregnant?




  1. It isn't very common to run into rubella randomly.  I don't think you can get the shot if you are pregnant because the main harm in getting rubella is to the baby of pregnant women.  If you got the illness and weren't pregnant, it wouldn't be a big deal.  You should ask your doctor.

  2. No you can not get the test prego. I too have a low immunity to rubella. and had to wait when I found out i was prego!

    Best of luck!  

  3. NO.

    The MMR vaccine is a live vaccine and cannot be given to pregnant women.

  4. ask your doctor

  5. you can but that can give your child a higher risk of blindness and retardation. my mom didnt know she was pregnant with my sister and got that shot and my sister is legally blind and a little cooky

  6. If you are pregnant you cannot get the Rubella shot (MMR).

    I am immune to it, but have very little immunity and I am due for another shot. So the hospital are going to give me the shot after I give birth.

    -To the answerer above me, You are completely wrong, If you get Rubella whilst pregnant THEN there is a risk of blindness for your baby, Getting the shot during pregnancy does not neccessarily cause blindness, but there are SO many other complications it can cause.

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