
Can i have all ur $?

by  |  earlier

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This is a stick up give me whatevers in you wallet pocket? whats in your pocket wallet bag ?




  1. do you accept play money?

  2. lolol umm no you cant plus in broke  

  3. Sorry only have a chewing gum, a squashed cent from niagara and £1.27, but you can have that if you want! Oh and a pic of my dog :)

  4. hmmm let me think about it.... UHH NOO!!! .. plus all i have is my worthless badge

  5. Sorry have to give it all to Obama  

  6. Sorry , I don't carry cash...

  7. Um, sorry no pockets here,,, can give u a polly though.

  8. OOPS! There is nothing.

  9. get a job! AND NO!

  10. i only have £s- sorry! but not really

  11. lol, you won't be very successful. i have 4 bucks :D
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