
Can i have an abortion without my parents knowing?

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I think i'm pregnant because i keep getting these pains similar to period cramps all over my stomach, and i keep getting this pulse feeling. I am not in any position to take care of a child and my mom would literally kill me if i told her. it has always been her number one rule and i will not be able to finish school or anything i will have to find a place to live on my own and take care of it completely by myself.

I will go to a clinic to make see if i really am pregnant but i want to know if they will let me have the abortion without my parents knowing. Please help me!!!!




  1. yes they can do abortions without your parents knowing and my mom sounds like yours, but take a friend to the clinic with you for support x

  2. I don't agree with abortion at all..its murder. You should have thought about the consequences before you had s*x. Now if you get an abortion, your innocent unborn child with pay for your actions.

  3. Right well first you need to find out if you are actually pregnant. And no im not going to give you a lecture about having underage s*x or anything becasue you know its what most of us do anyway ! so you need to find out and then if its positive you will be able to have an abortion without her knowing becasue thats what the service is there for. it is just as confidential as you would like it to be and they will not tell anyone if thats what you want. they understand you are here becasue you want to get rid of the baby SO THAT YOUR PARENTS DONT FIND OUT so they are not going to tell them otherwise they wouldnt get any young girls have abortions. tehy understand how you feel and its all confidential. Good luck...  

  4. you can go to the clinic on your own and depending on your age they will test you to see if you are pregnant for free. But from my experience I no your mom says she will kill you literally and I no it is scary but you should tell her. My mom was the same way and telling her was the most scariest thing i have ever done but I needed to and you have to also. She will be mad at you for a few days or a week or two. She will yell and go crazy but then eventually she will calm down and you two together should talk about your options. Many people out there cannot conceive a child and maybe you could put it up for adoption instead of abortion. But if you and your mom think you should have an abortion then i would do it. I just wouldn't make a decision like this on my own. You should also talk to your boyfriend and she how he feels. But first of all find out if you are and then if you are talk to her. You will be scared and you will cry and so will she but she will come around and she will help you through this.

  5. Check with the clinic.  Most states require parental consent now.

  6. Yes they will your parents do not have a say in it, although I think you should at least tell them. They can lend you emotional support and help you decide what to do.

  7. it depends where you live.In some places you can, but definatley go see a doctor!

  8. Depends how old you are and where you live. In Australia under 16 you need parental consent. Thats why you should have s*x. You are now going to abort a baby, because you didn't give a darn and had s*x knowing full well that you may become pregnant. Take a test and I really hope you aren't!!!

  9. Find out for certain if you're pregnant before you decide what to do.

  10. I think you may be able to go to planned pregnancy or something or ask your doctor about it. If you go to the clinic i'm sure they will tell you if you can get an abortion without your parents permission.

  11. just tell your parents because you will want to tell them eventually.

  12. wow i hope not i would hate to think that my daughter could go out and murder her child without me knowing about it if you knew what would happen if you got pregnant why did you not do something to prevent it try a condom go to the clinic and get some free birth control pills you can get those without your mother knowing or were you just lazy to do that just like you are being lazy not wanting to keep care of a child but you were willing to do what it took to get you here into this position

  13. See if you are really pregnant first.

    Abortion is murder. MURDER. Just my opinion.

    I would rather you have the child, and give it up for adoption.

  14. Ya might not actually be pregnant coke can cause cramps like that and no ur parents wud find ou u need someone der with you and then they tell you to get someone to look after you for a few days while you rest so ya have ta tell them good luck

  15. If you have the money and time. But I think  you should tell them. To tell you the truth, I am Pro-CHoice of Abortion. I am not against it. It's really a woman's choice if she wants to abort her unborn or not.

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