
Can i have any statistics on bullfighting for recent years????

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i am doing an assessment and i need some statistics!




  1. Why do you need statistic on barbarism,even the modern Spanish are getting sick of this cruel display and it has been banned in a number of areas,hopefully like foxhunting it will be a total ban in all areas in the near future.


  3. yes you can have as many as you can be bothered to find.

  4. matadors 100%

    bulls           00%

    its a bit one sided and one of the most barbaric spectacles that is still allowed to continue which is strange when you consider the fuss about fox hunting which is also barbaric

  5. Bullfighting is truly a spectacle to behold.  If you've never been, you won't understand.  Many Americans have gone and become aficionados.  Myself included and famously Ernest Hemingway.  There is no way to justify the event morally or not and I understand people's disgust, but make no mistake bullfighting is NOT a sport.  It is something altogether different.  The bull is honored in the ring and in its death.  It is steeped in tradition that dates back to the 1600's and who's birth started in a little bull ring in Ronda a town on a hilltop in Southern Spain.  

    One of the posters said bulls 0% and bullfighters 100%. This statistic is absolute rubbish!  Bullfighters are killed and gored in abundance.  I have never been to a fight where at some point a fighter was not gored.  Every part of every bull that dies in the ring us used, which would be slaughtered anyway, and is highly coveted and eaten, especially the tail, which is served in many high end restaurants adjcet to the bull ring.  Several bullfighters are killed yearly and what bullfighting means to Spain is just as controversial to the Spanish people as it is to PETA and other animal rights groups.  So understand that even if it disgusts you, it means quite a bit to millions of people around the world.

    I'm not justifying it, just trying to understand it.

  6. It's certainly in decline. The Spanish are getting very right-on about it. Shame, great spectacle. The best stats will come form Spanish sites. Are you fluent? Look for El Pais or ABC (newspapers). You might find something in English translation when searching for 'corrida de toros' (bullfight), or just 'toros' 'estadisticas' (stats.) 'cifras' (figures) also the site below.

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