
Can i have baby showers and a meet the baby party?

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here is the deal-- this our first child, and everyone is excited. my family lives two hours away and my older sis is having me a babyshower there. and then my inlaws (this is their first grandchild)live in a different state and the are insisting on a babyshower there. some ladys from my church want to have a babyshower for me as well beceause there hasnt been a baby there in years... i really want a welcome baby party so we dont have a bunch of people stopping by to see the baby soon after it is born, and there are quite a few friends that dont really fit in with the other groups of people having the other showers that i do not want to feel left out. do you think that it would be inappropriate to have a meet the baby party in this instance?




  1. I don't think it's wrong. You can have the meet the baby party as well as a shower. People who already brought something for your shower will know they don't have to get another gift. They'll probably bring flowers or something :-)

  2. No that actually sounds like a wonderful idea to me. Never heard of anyone doing that, but I really like that idea. I think that might be something I would consider because I want to spend time with my baby once I am home and not have everyone come over all the time. Well thanks for the wonderful idea. And yes I would do it if I were you!!

  3. First of all, when you have a first baby, you are certainly able to have multiple baby showers.  Most gals I know have one with work buddies and one with family and sometimes a third with distant family (or his family and her family).   Nothing at all to stop you to have a welcome baby party as well.  Our neighbors daughter did that because her goth friends wouldn't have fit in with the crowd.  Very interesting party, that one.


  4. First babies are so exciting!  Congrats!  And it's so sweet of those who love you to give you a baby shower!  These days it's very common to have several different groups of family, friends, and co-workers give multiple showers for a mom-to-be.  But--if you go on, then, and give YOURSELF a meet-the-baby party after he/she is born, I absolutely think you should specify NO GIFTS PLEASE on the invitations.  Otherwise you will appear greedy.

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