
Can i have bt fibre optic cable removed from my land ?

by  |  earlier

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I have damaged a fibre opic cable in my garden which i didn't know was there, we checked bt maps and did a cat scan of the ground, there was some kind hole where it was which had know lid and had colasped which is why we cat scaned the ground, but as i'm now imformed fibre opics are not tracable with just a cat!




  1. BT now but not in the past need your permission to put cables under or over your land. As the network is now run by openreach you need to speak to them, pls use the following link found via Google, follow the 'our network' tab at the top for contact details....

    They will remove or re-route the cables if you ask but it will take some time as its where do they go after your land?

    Hope this helps.

  2. do not know how it works out there, but here in the US, when the initial telephone cables and poles were installed, the owner of the property at that time provided the rights for that cable/pole to be placed on that property, and that agreement is part of the deed/title to the property, and passed on from owner to owner. The phone/utility companies have the right to access there equiptment, to repair and/or replace. It is illegal for you to tamper with, or damage in any way any telephone or utility property that may be on your land. You may request the utility move the lines from your property, but they are not required to. And they have right of way to access these lines.

  3. If your land has an optical fibre in it you are either in one of the 21cn network areas or the fibre carrys more than just your phone line, maybe you are looking at an office?

    The Line belongs to BT Openreach and they will repair it, if it was damaged by yourself you should be insured for that by your 3rd party liability insurance, any charges raised by BT Openreach can be passed onto them.

    BT Openreach will most likely have a wayleave to the line underground, giving them some rights to access it for repair and replacement. If you want it moved this can be done and is not a big problem but could be a big expense.

    Hope this helps?

  4. A fibre optic cable in your garden which belongs to BT ? !!!

    I doubt it very much !!  These 'cables' are used by BT between telephone exchanges and obviously carry thousands of customers. If you had damaged one of these BT Openreach would have known about it BEFORE you did !!!

    If you live in a cable area you've most probably cut the cable that feeds your house.

  5. A friend of mine who lives two doors away from me, ripped up all BTs cables after a squabble with them, he said, '' it's my land, and i say what goes on it', and i haven't seen Bt do anything about it yet.

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