
Can i have caught genital warts from someone 20 yrs ago? I guess what i'm asking is did he cheat ?

by  |  earlier

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I think I have them but they just came out around january this yr




  1. you or your partner could have had them with no signs but after that long I would say he cheated. sorry it happens, you should talk to him about it and see what he says. but after 20yrs and then you both get symptoms it is just to shady.

    call a doctor to ask about the lengh of time you could have it with no signs.  

  2. yes you can they can take a long time to present themselves, use wartrol to stop the spread try the link below

  3. hmm 20 yrs ago....

    I believe he cheated

  4. Yes you can catch them and not even know you have them for a very long fact many people have them and never have any signs.

  5. Sounds pretty suspect! I would go with he cheated. 20 years is an awfully long time for them to never show up. Dont expect him to be honest though and if he tells you he got them off of a toilet seat or some other crock, dont believe him, you can only get it from s*x!

    Sorry to hear you're going through this, but get tested before you accuse him or jump to conclusions.

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