
Can i have gotten pregnant?

by  |  earlier

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on July 4th i got my period and i thought i was pregnant because i didn't get my last period until august 16 (i was late) now is september 1st and i have been TTC#1 i had intercourse on the 25th 27th and the 31st, i am not in a regular 28 day schedule it sort of changes so on the 25th i had mucus and on the 26th as well. could i have ovulated?

could i be pregnant?

its weird because this morning i woke up and my left brest is soar!!!! it really hurts!! i have to wait until ike the 13th or so to take a pregnancy test. what are something i should watch for?

also i started taking pre-natal vitamins on the 26th so if i am pregnant my baby can be healthy!

questions is...

could i have gotten pregnant?

could i have ovulated sooner because last month i had a long cycle?

how soon can i test?

any advice?

cheer me husband and i really want to be pregnant!

thanks for your time ladies!




  1. The mucas usually means you were ovulating so you could very well be pregnant! :) Your brests being soar could also from you being pregnant or something else. You did everything right from what I have read and you do have the signs. The only way for you to know for sure if your pregnant is to wait till you are getting sick or 5 days before your period date. You did everything you could have done and you are taking vit for your baby! You def will be a great mom! From everything I read... I think you made a baby but like I said... there is no real way of knowing unless one of the two happens. I wish you two the best of luck and I really hope you are pregnant! You are already doing everything right and your little one isnt even here yet! People like you are very rare... its nice to see one every now and again. :)

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