
Can i have help on dieting please?

by  |  earlier

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I often say im going on a diet and somtimes i do go on a diet but the thing is, they dont last longer then a week. i dont know what kinda meals to have and like i somtimes go jogging but when i get back, im soo dead, like my breathing goes insane.

i like to walk so thats also good right.

my question is, how do you dieters stay on ur diet? and what do u guys eat and how much do you eat ? i really have to go on a strick diet.

i'm a 14 year old girl and i'm 5'6 or like 5'5 about. not so sure.

and im really close to being 160 lbs.

and it really bothers me to SEE how big im getting. i know i want to slim down really badly but my diets ALWAYS FAIL.

how do u guys do it ?




  1. i am horrible at dieting, but you don't need to go on a diet if you are just more observant to what you eat.  try to cut out white bread, mayo, butter and cheese, go for fat free or 2% milk and eat smaller portions more often through out the day.  Also you need to do a form of cardio, walking is good, only if you are going at a rushed pace, if you are not breathing hard you are not exerting enough energy and burning alot of calories.  If running makes you breathe hard thats good, as long as you don't have asthma or heart conditions.  try riding a bike or using an elliptical machine, its all good cardio.

  2. Hi, I think that you are really cool because you were confident enough to tell everybody that any way a good way to keep your dieting up is to slowly edge of the fatty foods like the fist day you have some fatty foods the next day a little less and so on also some good meals to eat would be salads meat vegetables and rice is realy good to, oh and that thing you said about your breathing going insane maybe you need to get an inhalor or somthing cause you might have athsma!


  3. See this page with advice for teen girls, then see home page to take off the weight.

  4. educate yourself on food and you will never go back to junk food eating. Do you ever question why all those chemicals are in your food? read the labels. High fructose corn syrup is REAL bad. MSG is a silent killer and it killed my father. Processed foods are created in a lab and are called GMOs. None of these things are good for you and will not only make you fat, they will make you very sick. GO ORGANIC!

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