
Can i have internet without phone line?

by  |  earlier

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I am using embarq as my isp and i was wondering if i could have just the internet and not the phone line, because i dont using and i think that is waste of money.





  1. NO.

  2. I think what you are really saying is that you have a PSTN phone line, but you don't want to pay the phone company high rates for PSTN phone "service".

    If that is the case, yes you can have DSL Internet service over standard PSTN telephone cable, without the PSTN telephone service being connected to the line.

    This is called "Dry Loop" or "Naked DSL" Internet service.

    Ask the phone company if they will provide you with DSL Internet without the telephone service activated.

    If your ILEC (Incumbent Local Exchange Carrier) phone company doesn't do this, you may still find a CLEC (Competative Local Exchange Carrier) that will provide the DSL service to you.  By law, ILEC's have to allow CLEC's to provide competitive service, when it is available in the area.


    Actually , Embarq is a DSL ISP that also provides Phone service, too.

    So, if you are saying you have phone service with the local phone company and want to know if you can cut the cord from the phone company and still keep Embarq DSL service, then I would think yes.

    But, Embarq also provides phone service:

    So, do you have that, too instead of local phone company service?  If you have Embarq phone too, it is a separate package and should be able to be added or disconnected to your Internet service with them.  Call them and ask:

  3. Cable or satellite internet does not require a phone line, whereas dialup and DSL do.

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