
Can i have my two users on my computer completly seperate?

by  |  earlier

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ok well i will have two users on my computer and i would like to know if theres a way to configer it so i dont see absolutly any files from the other user and he doesnt see mine like having absolutly no shared files at all? and even installed programs for example limewire if i download it then the other user has it appear on his accound and we do not want that. could we make it as if theres like two sepereate computers




  1. yes you can...all you have to do is enter control panel...choose user accounts...create a new account....and then check the private account box during the wizard ...and then no sharing...its really simple... good luck!!!

  2. It depends on which version of Windows your using. If you're using XP, then the easiest way is to go to the start menu and click on it. From there, click on the icon at the top and a window will pop up; hit the back button. There is a panel on the left side with smaller panels. In one of the smaller panels, find an option called create new account and click it. Type in a user name and move on. Then there should be an option that prevents file sharing and click on it.

  3. If you want to be 100 percent independent of each other, the best way to do that is to load two different copies of Windows on two different partitions / hard drives, then use your computer's BIOS to select the hard drive / partition you want booted (your OS or his OS), and for each of you to have your password-protected user account as the only user account on each of the OS installs.


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