
Can i have numbing cream for blood test ?

by  |  earlier

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I'm having a blood test & scared about the pain

Can Mum ask the doctor for some numbing cream ?

How big the needle ? Will they put a strap around my arm ?




  1.  i was scared of them, the trick is to calmly lok at it, once it goes in and the blood comes out, u kno its just few seconds before its all over.

    I;ve previously tried numbing crea, it works well, but you still feel slight pressure but no sharp pain from needle.

    one times i had so many blood tests inboth arms, the veins were hard 2 use, so doctor decided to take blood from near my wrist, that hurt reall bad, they told me it would, then next day they wanted more so before trying other wrist, they sprayed this stuff (forgot name) it made hand ice cold, couldn't feel a thing, but that wasn't a needle, it was a canuilar, the small plastic needle that stays in for a few days.


    you'l be fine just one blood test, take a big breath and tell them you are worried, so they take extra care and keep you calm


  2.  i was scared of them, the trick is to calmly lok at it, once it goes in and the blood comes out, u kno its just few seconds before its all over.

    I;ve previously tried numbing crea, it works well, but you still feel slight pressure but no sharp pain from needle.

    one times i had so many blood tests inboth arms, the veins were hard 2 use, so doctor decided to take blood from near my wrist, that hurt reall bad, they told me it would, then next day they wanted more so before trying other wrist, they sprayed this stuff (forgot name) it made hand ice cold, couldn't feel a thing, but that wasn't a needle, it was a canuilar, the small plastic needle that stays in for a few days.


    you'l be fine just one blood test, take a big breath and tell them you are worried, so they take extra care and keep you calm


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