
Can i have pet goats?

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i know someone who sells goats. i dont live on a farm but there is a huge field outside my house and i was wondering if i could keep a goat as a pet like a dog




  1. They do make good pets but you need to be prepared. Apparently you've already got the space, but do you have a barn or soemthing to put them in at night? If not a wolf could easily catch them and kill them. Also do you know of a goat vet in your area? Just research them first and make sure you know what you are getting into, then decide if you want them.

  2. First, check into your local zoning.  Just because you have room doesn't mean that you can have livestock.  Make sure you're in an area that is zoned for livestock.

    Also, goats need very reliable fencing (they are the houidini of the barnyard) and enjoy cribbing on things and can be pretty destructive.  They need adequate shelter from rain and cold, and protection from predators.  

    Don't try to keep a goat by itself, or it can get very annoying.  And loud.  And get out of its fence and go wander down the road looking for a friend.  If you want goats, keep at least two.  I like to keep about 14 myself.

    There is also alot of maintenance and care that goes into caring for them.  They do require regular hoof trimming, veterinary care, deworming, etc.  Go pick up a copy of Storey's Guide to Raising Goats for a reference source, and do some research on their care.  Fias Co Farms website has some outstanding information on routine care.  Make sure you know what you're getting into before you get them, or you may find that it's more than you expected to deal with for keeping a pet.

    As far as goats are concerned, they are my favorite animal.  I think they are intelligent, personable and great fun.  If I had goats before I had dogs, I never would've gotten dogs!  They all have unique personalities, and although I maintain a working dairy herd, I do consider them my "pets" as well.  The best pets are the ones that earn their keep and help pay for their own feed!

  3. There is two problems with that: one being predators and the other being fencing. you need to put him up when you are not home or are sleeping so that nothing eats him or attacks him. secondly you need to be able to make sure he doesnt run away, so not unless your field is fenced in and high enough that he cannot jump out.
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