
Can i have plastic surgery on my b*****s at 16 or 17?

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cuz i want a bigger chest like a full b maybe so can i at this age? cuz ive seen young kids on tv who were younge have plastic surgery done?also how much would this cost?




  1. no i dont think so just be yourself its better to be natural

  2. Do some workouts for your chest muscles, which are underneath the b*****s. When they are strong, it will make your b*****s seem erect and bigger.

    Don't be affected by what you see in films......Keira Knightley is a famous movie star but she's got a flat chest.

  3. if you live in britain or ireland i do not think there is any way in which you could get this procedure!

    your not fully developed yet so please wait a few years to mature before making any big decisions!

  4. love yourself.

  5. Doctors usualy won't perform the surgery until your b*****s have stopped growing (so 16 is probably too young!) but in some cases I have hard of girls getting b*****s as graduation gifts (so about 17 or 18 or so)  Many doctors deal with the emotional issues surrounding the desire for bigger b*****s and are less likely to do it if the reasons are wrong.  

    Personally, I'm 26 and I've wanted breast augmentation since I was about 15 and I still want it. I don't hate myself or want guys to drool over me. I want to look better in the clothes I have.

    But breast augmentation is super expensive (think a bare minimum of $2000 per breast as a starting point, but it is almost certainly going to be more than that.  

    Try talking to your mom about it.  Really, at your young age and not having stopped developing, you don't know what you'll end up with. It's not a wise investment at this point. Wait until you're older. But you can always start saving up now. :)

  6. dont do it girls in my school do it and it looks fake and terrible plus your body is still doveloping im sure your pretty though im 16 btw.

  7. honestly, wait to get them. you are still growing and developing. in fact, i would wait until after you had children. after having children, your b*****s go thru alot so your perfect surgeried b*****s could get very ugly and saggy afterwards (my sister in laws did).

    the cheapest price ive got for augmentation was over $3000.

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