
Can i have s*x 3 weeks post pardem?

by  |  earlier

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sry if tmi, but i was wondering if i can have s*x 3 weeks post pardem, i didnt tear when i gave birth, and im horny..... lol




  1. ya if you want another baby right way. Just wait tell him to give you some face:)

  2. Have him stick it in, if it hurts, take it out.

  3. wait till you get the ok from the doc.  Then it'll be that much better when you finally do get it right?

  4. is your things heal ..

    but i would wait ...

  5. I would wait the 3 more weeks

  6. My dr said once the bleeding stops, it's good to go. With my first, it was a few weeks. With my fourth, it was a few days. I couldn't hold off any longer.

  7. I guess you could if you are up to it, but doctors suggest that you wate at least 6 weeks so that the inside of you can heal.

  8. My doctor told us it was 6 weeks.

    BTW... How you doin?  

  9. My doctor told me to wait at least 6 weeks. He told me that it is very easy to become pregnant right after giving birth and your body needs time to heal itself. Even after waiting 7 weeks to have s*x again I had pains! It sucked so bad.  

  10. You're really not supposed to. Most women are still bleeding at 3 weeks. How come you aren't?

  11. how funny! my baby is 3 weeks old and he is laying on my chest and im typing with 1 hand too!!!!!!!!!!!!! LOL!

    on the s*x question.......supossed to wait til 6 weeks but my hubby is coming home next week and i asked the doc if i could have s*x, well, he said yes just USE a condom so you wont get an infection.

  12. You could but you risk infection because you don't know if your cervix is completely closed yet and if your uterus is back to normal, that is why they say wait until your 6 wks checkup.  

  13. My husband and I did with my first baby. I had a c-section and had stopped my bleeding. It was kinda painful because my wound was still sore. I did it mainly because he felt like he couldn't wait any longer. During this time you CAN get pregnant because you are highly fertile. So if you do decide to have s*x, use protection.

  14. You can, but it will probably still be pretty sore, plus you have a higher risk of infections because you could have some tiny tears down there that could let germs in. I know how you feel though, I waited until 5 weeks to be somewhat safe! =)

  15. My doctor said to wait 6 weeks, which I think it pretty standard. However, me and hubby had "hand s*x" pretty frequently after about two weeks :) You're just not supposed to have penetration. The big O is OK from external stimulation.

  16. NO. you should listen to your dr.   6 - 9 weeks,  tearing has nothing to do with it,  INFECTIONS..... is what's it's all about, you can still pleasure yourself  C**t action,  no entry tho!

  17. you will get pregnat again probly u gota wait six weeks and you shud be taking care of your child NOT posting s*x questions on yahoo

  18. be safe and wait.. cause if you do have s*x and you tear, you are the one who will be hurting , not him... there is other ways of satisfying yourself.. horny lady   :)

  19. as long as you aren't hurting...I say go for it!!!

  20. Generally you have to wait for your 6-week post-partum check up.  

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