
Can i have some info on the vertical jump bible? plz?

by  |  earlier

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im thinking about buying it, and i wanted to kno some gains.and stuff




  1. it's the best program out there, so if you are goin to pay for something, get the VJB. I've used it to get a 40 inch vertical. I went from 32 to 40 in less than two months. You don't necessarily have to buy something though. There's a lot of good info here

  2. whats a vertical jump bible??? can you tell me what it is

  3. read around about it, it is the best program, none other compete excpet vertical project, but vjb has the best, simple information and basic science and fundamentals

    get it or dl off da internet like i did


    I downloaded it for free off the computer for free, so try that.

    Theres like 20 excercises and 10 different types of workouts from strength to reaction to plyometric each with a novice,advanced and intermediatiate, Theres 148 pgs on my computer and i used a .pdf reader since my adobe doesn;t work,

    Only bad thing is the workouts take like an hour and thats alot of time while your in school like me.

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