
Can i have some opinions on whaling? 10 points for best answer!!!!!!!?

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how do you feel about makah whaling? is it good or bad why? I am doing an essay on makah whaling and have to say opinions. Can you please help me??




  1. I'm in favor of letting our subs use whaling ships for target practice.

  2. Whaling is wrong for several reasons.

    1. Whales are highly intelligent beings, if they had hands they would easily be able to do a rubiks cube or play the Piano.

    2. They are not a sustainable source of food, and will be eliminated from the planet if free hunting is allowed.

    3. I'm yet to see any of the so called scientific study that the Japenese claim they need to kill whales to obtain .

    4. They are an important part of the ECo SYSTEM, and are responsible for eating plankton

    Hope this helps

  3. How can these people sleep at nite?

  4. What everyone else has said is totally accurate, I can't add anything more really other than to say it has been scientifically PROVEN that there is no humane way to kill a whale.  They are far too big and take ages, up to hours to die in horrendous agony when they are harpooned, especially in the case of explosive harpoons.  There is no reason in the world good enough to excuse cause such suffering and agony to another living creature.

  5. There is nothing wrong with Whaling. If we can kill cows to make burgers, then the j**s can kill their whales for sushi. The sooner we accept this, the sooner we can get on with our lives and worry about world hunger rather than stupid whales

    Have a look at this image!

  6. It is morally and ethically wrong. There is no need to kill these beautiful and endangered creatures for food, "research" or any other purpose. Japan hides their sick mass murder of these lovely intelligent & gentle animals under the guise of scientific research, when infact they are hunting them for delicacies for the rich. They also kill dolphins and market their flesh as whale meat. Watch Earthlings on you tube.

    STOP Whaling!!!

  7. It may take more time, but I think that whaling ispretty much on the way out.  If consumer demand continues to fall, so will the industry.

    "Japanese rejecting whale meat in face of glut, price cuts

    Hiroko Tabuchi

    Associated Press

    Feb. 12, 2006 12:00 AM

    TOKYO - Japan has enticed children with whale burger school lunches, sung the praises of the red meat in colorful pamphlets and declared whale hunting "a national heritage."

    By rapidly expanding its whale hunt, Japan now kills more of the giant mammals than its consumers care to eat.

    The result is an unprecedented glut of whale meat. Prices, once about $15 a pound, are plunging, inventories are bursting, and promoters are scrambling to get Japanese to eat more whale.  

    It's a tough sell.

    "To put it simply, whale meat tastes horrible," said Kosuke Nakamura, one of the diners at a Hana No Mai restaurant in Tokyo who turned their noses up at whale meat.

    Young people are put off by the tough, pungent meat, Nakamura said, while older Japanese are reminded of the lean years after the country's defeat in World War II.

    And while few Japanese voice environmental concerns over hunting whales, some younger people say it has brought the country unfavorable publicity.

    "Whaling's so bad for Japan's image. I don't know why we still hunt," said Nakamura, 30.

    About 1,035 tons of whale meat hit the market in Japan last year, a 65 percent increase from 1995, the Fisheries Agency says.

    And sluggish demand means inventories have almost doubled in five years to 2,704 tons in 2004.

    In the same period, the average price of whale fell almost 30 percent, to just over $10 a pound in 2004. That's more than the average price for beef, about $9 a pound, and far higher than for chicken or pork."

  8. I'm doing a project at school that includes whaling.  I believe that whaling is wrong because they are beings too.  Also, they are such lovely creatures!  The Japanese, one of the whaling countries, says they are whaling scientifically.

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