
Can i have some pics of Persian kittens???!!!

by  |  earlier

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im planning on getting a kitten and i just need a few pics of the persian kitten!!





    (on the page above there is exotic and regular Persian)

    And just to let you know that talking care of a pet is a big responsibility and that you and this cat will be together for a long time so be ready to care for its every need until the end of his/her life and also be ready for the kitten and love it.

    Hope i helped!

  2. Hi there

    ConCATulations of getting a kitten. I assume you are getting a Persian.

    For photos and lots of helpful information about what is helpful and important for Persian kittens, such as feeding, grooming and veterinary requirements, visit:

    And for fantastic Persian kittens, lots of them, visit:

    Good luck with your new kitten. All the best!


    Owned by cats for over 40 years

    Former Siamese and Oriental Shorthair breeder

  3. Try this:

    Hope you love and treasure your kitten.....good luck!


  5. I haven't got any pics of persian kittens, but I do have a persian cat and can tell you a bit about them.

    Firstly the hair is a nightmare!! it has to be brushed every day and sometimes twice a day.  However, if you have a persian like mine, and my vet says a lot of them are like mine, it will hate being brushed.

    So instead I have to cut all its matted fur away every spring and I have a bald cat for a few weeks, looks very funny but it's the only way.

    But, on the plus side he is the most relaxed, affectionate and loyal cat I have ever known.  Persians are generally quite bad tempered cats but mine never has been and I put this down to him always being allowed in and out as he pleases.  (All the bad tempered persians I have known were all indoor cats).  I have never kept him indoors, and yes it makes the fur problem a lot worse but it is worth it.  

    Dispite all the fluff persians are excellent hunters, mine was always bringing home baby rabbits when he was younger, but he is 11 now and can't be bothered with hunting any more, but he does love to spend all day laying in the sunshine.

    They really are a unique breed of cat and have lots of good and bad points, but are lovely cats to own.  (one other bad point, try and keep your kitty's belly happy, all I will say is long fur........diahorrea.......great fun!!

    Good luck with your kitty hunt and ignore any one who tells you the look as if they have been hit with a shovel, I think they have beautiful faces.

  6. Google it and get

  7. Here are some:



    the entire page is persian kittes

    if you want a kitten that is nice and very low maitnence i recomend the Maine Coon Cat. Plus they are so cute and they barley shed. their hair hardly gets matted and you only need to bruch them about once a month if that. They are also very playful.

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