
Can i have to male hamsters together?

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i have a male panda bear hamster can i put another male in there with him




  1. No. As Lily said, you have a syrian hamster. Panda bear is just a fancy pet store term for syrian. Syrian hamsters are solitary. You can't house them together. If you do, you'll end up with a bloody fight and possibly a dead hamster. If you want to get another one and house it in a different cage, that's fine, but don't put them together.

  2. NO. hamsters will kill each other yeah their at the petstore together sometimes they live peacefully together but hardly ever. keep them seperate unless you want one dead hamster

  3. no

  4. No, panda bears are syrians. any tgwo syrians, whether male & male or female & female, will fight to the death. You can get another male, you'd just have to house him seperatley.

    Hope this helps


  5. It depends how long he has been away from other hamsters?If you just got him then it would be easy to put another hamster with him but if it's been a long time they will fight. You shouldn't get another one unless it is going to be put in another cage.

  6. no! male rodents of any kind will fight and try to bite eachother and such

  7. No never do that. Dwarf and Chinese hamsters are about the only ones you can put together and even then you still have to be quite careful.

    Your hammie is a Syrian and even when a litter of Syrians are born they have to be split as they get older otherwise they fight! - even if they are related.

    I know how much you probably want to get another one! I have a Syrian also and i'm dying to breed her hamsters are very territorial - especially the males so they would just end up fighting to the death which wouldnt be nice at all.

    If you want to get another hamster then go ahead and get him but dont put him in the same cage as your current one. you will have to get a different cage.

    It's a shame i know..i've always wanted more than one but thats the way of the hamsters i guess!

    Good luck!

  8. no they will kill each other

  9. No your hamster is a syrian no matter what the pet store called it and they will fight to the death.

  10. no! they will bite each others ears off!!!!!!!

  11. No, you can't keep a male and a female together. The result would be back-to-back litters - quite literally hundreds of babies that you would need to home. Even one litter is difficult to find homes for, and it isn't exactly ethical to give them to a pet shop - there are already many unwanted hamsters in rescues and producing more just for the sake of having a pair of hamsters is a bit pointless. Not to mention you wouldn't have any control over where the little ones ended up. Also, repeated litters would put a horrible amount of strain on the female's body. So... not a good idea really. :) He's very happy being alone, he doesn't need or want other hamster company. He just needs you really.

  12. i have a male panda hamster and he doesnt get along with my friends. my friends was a baby and they met at a young age and fought. only put him in there if they were raised together.

    :)i luv panda hamsters

  13. dont do it

  14. No.

    The first poster was correct - "panda" hamsters are just a variety of the Syrian hamster. This is a strictly solitary species. They do not need, want or even like the company of other hamsters and are highly territorial.

    I also want to correct some of the confusing things other people have said....

    It doesn't matter whether they were raised together or not, or how long your hamster has been alone. Syrians are always solitary.

    If you were to get two brothers, or two sisters, from the same litter at the same time they would probably be fine for a little while. But as they mature they become territorial and aggressive - by around 10-12 weeks old they will start to fight. This will continue and escalate until one of them ends up dead.

    If you get two hamsters and put them together later, whatever s*x they are, they will fight immediately and often to the death.

    Pet stores house Syrian hamsters together because they are still young - well below full sexual maturity. As I said, give it a few weeks and there would eventually only be one hamster remaining.

    By all means get another hamster if you want on (preferably adopted rather than bought!) but you must house them separately.

  15. NO !!! Trust me i've done this before and my panda bear hamster ended up killed...=[ the only way you can possibly get  male hamsters together , is if they grow up and live together at a young age. Hamsters dont like it when new hamsters envaid their space , even if it was a female, they still might fight . You have to be careful.  hope this helped =]good luck! =]

  16. no, they will fight to death because they are territorial. dont put in another hamster!

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