
Can i have ur opinions ladies? thanks :)?

by  |  earlier

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hi ladies, 6 years ago i was diagnosed with pcos i never had any syptoms for it except periods 2 times a yr and very painful ones at that. the last 4 weeks everyday i have had, vague abdomainal pain and painful lower back, peeing ALOT, nausea bloated, fatigued badly and gas i dont get any period signs until bout 2 days before my period comes and that is only period pains nothing else, and these symptoms have been goin for just over roughly 4 weeks everyday. so my question is is this my pcos deciding to give me symptoms or is it something else and wat could it be? i have a gyno app in 2 weeks, my diet is healthy and i drink plenty of water

ps also i have done a pregnancy test 2 times and both neg




  1. I to have PCOS. Do you have regular BGL checks as it could be ur glucose levels are high. Otherwise your symptoms could be anything- virus, bad food. See your DR and find out for sure. Good luck

  2. Oh! Sorry I have no idea what to suggest. I hope you start feeling better though

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