
Can i heal a staph infection w/out going to the doctor? i have no insurance.?

by Guest66663  |  earlier

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my leg recently became infected so bad to the point i couldn't barely walk. then a freind of mind popped all this stuff out , and it hurt like h**l, but since the swelling is down, i'm able to walk, but it does still ooze. so now i'm apprehensive to know can i continue this behavior?




  1. You are going to have to take this help with a grain of salt as "popping something on your leg that is oozing pus" doesn't really help without an examination, but you are going to need may very well have Staph, but why couldn't it be Streptococcus???  You see where I am getting at.

    I recommend seeing a doctor for the following reasons:

    1)  you can barely walk

    2)  you don't explain how or why you have this pus-filled region in your it from an injury?  Is it from a cut received or damage to a joint from an injury?  Where in your leg and why does it affect walking?

    3)  Does the infection involve a joint?

    4)  you don't say how long have you had the infection?

    5)  you don't know what kind of infection you have...if it is Staph, one could just prescribe Augmentin (cheaper), Methicillin, Floxacillin or even Vancomycin (if you can afford it)

    6)  you don't say much as to what you actually have

    7)  you probably do not have access to oral antibiotics

    8)  How big is it?!?!?

    Without this, even you will have to admit you are asking for a lot of advice with not enough info.  I will say this:  ANTIBIOTICS (like augmentin (which is amoxicillin plus clavulonic acid--aka "the Staph Killer" ;-) ARE KEY HERE!!!  Along with how and why you received this infection, how long you have had it, and what sort of other tissue involvement is going on (joints, bone, muscle, skin...what?!?!?)

    You may have to take oral antibiotics for anywhere between a week to a month (because you don't describe what you are dealing with) along with continually cleaning/rinsing the wound (with Hydrogen Peroxide and possibly a topical antibiotic afterwards).  Always finish the full course of antibiotics as prescribed, don't stop early just because you think you are feeling better...because the surviving bacteria can regroup and come back now completely resistant to the antibiotic you just used.  But if you can barely walk, I think this is probably pretty severe, involving a joint or deeper than just skin tissue, and beyond your skill level.  

  2. I would have to say no.  My wife had a staph infection then it got worse because she didn't go to have it checked out.  It took over a year to get rid of it, but it eventually got cured.  Your health is more important than the money you'll spend.

  3. NO... Staph needs to be treated with anti-botics.

    Go to your towns Community Health Center and ask to be put on a sliding scale payment. This is done according to how much you make and there doctor's are locals who usually have their own practice's or retired and volunteering their time once a week. They do give good quality healthcare these days. Staph also needs a culture taken that usually takes about a week to come back. Keep the open wound site compeletly covered, changing the bandage whenever you see drainage coming thru it. Wash your hands often with soap and water and clean all surfaces with bleach and water. so as not to pass it on to others.

  4. Staph is a very serious infection.  You need to see a doctor to get antibiotics.

  5. You probably need to be on antibiotics.

    Keep the area very clean with soap and water. Then apply Triple Antibiotic Ointment to the area. Keep a clean gauze patch on if it is still draining. And change the gauze dressing everyday even if there is hardly anything on the patch. Change it more often if it's wet. You can buy over the counter Triple Antibiotic ointment at Walgreens or CVS.. Whenever you can, keep your leg elevated. And try to stay off your feet as much as possible.

    BUT,and this is very important, watch your leg for any red streaks that may appear. Also, if the area gets hot to the touch and more painful, you MUST go to a walk-in clinic, because you may be developing cellulitis, or even osteomyelitis, a severe infection . If not treated properly, you could end up getting loosing your leg. Seriously!

    BTW, walk-in clinics are cheaper than ER's.And they usually can take care of something like this.

  6. YOU HAVE GOT TO SEE A DOCTOR. Which would you rather have happen, see a doctor now, or have it get so infected that it goes into your blood and you have a blood infection and have to be rushed to the ER just to possibly die, which you will if you become septic?

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