
Can i help pay for my neigbors home,please?

by  |  earlier

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i want them to stay in it,the 3 door garage,the indoor pool,the tiled floor,its not their fault they did not read what they were signing,




  1. Unless ur bill gates. Don't pay. Geez u need to worry about your own life.

  2. Sure you can help pay for it. There isn't anyone that says you can't. Well unless you are married and they say NO.

    "It isn't their fault they did not read what they were signing?" Who's fault is it then? I mean I don't know anything about your neighbors but i can assure you it is not my fault and it isn't yours!!!

    But before you starting helping them pay for their home make sure you have enough money to pay for your own and still able to keep your head above water. I can tell you really like these people but you need to put your life first.

    Good Luck

  3. Sure

  4. sure... if you want... give them the money or send a check to their  mortgage company every month with their account number on it.

  5. sure. you can pay for mine too.

  6. It's your can pay for and/or buy whatever you want....But why would you want too? Maybe your "next" neighbors will be even better......

  7. Ummmm, I don't really understand what you are asking? Can you give a little more info?

  8. yes technically it is their fault for not reading before signing. if you do pay i would have a contract made up for them to pay you back, and make sure they read that one.

  9. If you're one of the people who DID read what they were signing, and who DIDN'T buy more house than they can afford, and who AREN'T in foreclosure, you're going to help pay for it whether you want to or not.

  10. You can pay for whatever you can afford.

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