
Can i hire a train to travel from birmingham to wembley on 28 may 2007?

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I am looking to travel to Wembley on 28 May and would like to hire a train carriage for aroound 40 people as a hospitality venture.




  1. Depends which service you are using? MML, Virgin, Chiltern? Check with each company and see if they have the capacity for a booking of that size. MML and Chiltern more than likely will be able to do you a good deal from Snow Hill to London. However most companies require a minimum of 7 days notice.

  2. I would think you are too late, should allow a couple of months.

  3. Have a work with Virgin but don't be surprised if you get a very short answer. For 40 people you would be better off talking to a local coach company.

    As others have said you might be able to get a block booking for 40 people but your chances of all being in the same coach are slim also no trains from Birmingham call at Wembly except on special occasions.

  4. If by "hire a train", you mean charter a private train, then it is possible, but the cost will be astronimical.

    You would have to pay a company to provide the rolling stock, traincrew, and track access charges to Network Rail.

    It would probably be cheaper to charter a helicopter.

  5. Ask at your local station about a 'block booking'.

    You might be in luck though it is a little near the date.

  6. The best you'd get at this late stage would be reserved seats - and not necessarily even in the same carriage! To hire a train of your own you would need a great number of people - probably a minimum of 500 in this day and age before they'll even consider it, bearing in mind  all the arrangements involved. Years ago you could do it with a minimum of 200 but I bet that's well changed since privatisation ! ! !

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